Monday, March 29, 2010

Telephone - Lifeline of new generation

In the present scenario, we all are surrounded by the latest technologies and we became so much habitual about their usage, due to which we can't even imagine about their disappearance. But there was a time, when these technologies, gadgets were not there. People had to struggle to do daily chores. They couldn't even get the well being of their relatives or friends who were living far away. At that time, there was the only communication mode was the letter or telegram. People usually wrote letters which reaches to the concerned person in 6-7 days. At that time, there was no faster communication mode available in the case of emergency. Just Imagine, you are going for an office, and unfortunately you met with an accident and got injured. You can't even convey your message to the family at home.

Thanks to the invention of a Telephone, cordless phones through which one can easily contact to their loved ones by simply pressing few buttons, the telephone is a wonderful invention; since it was first introduced into the market place it has made a world of difference in many people's lives. The fact that the telephone can be used in an emergency situation is probably the most beneficial of all. Over the years, the Telephone also worked as a live saver. Without a telephone, it would be impossible for anyone to call the police, fire department or ambulance.

Telephones is the easiest means of communication; you can simply pick up the receiver and dial a number to speak to the person on the other end. In the earlier days of Telephone, it was seen as a luxury. As the call rates were very high, it was only installed in houses of people who could afford it. But now, it became a basic necessity for everyone. From the college going students to the businessmen, everyone is addicted for the telephone.

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